**#0382 Nana's exquisite creations and legal Hemp Goodies made by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Simon

Hand crafted Beautiful ❤️ Exquisite Creation's Apo and Legal Hemp Goodies made by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Simon and more worldwide. I've been sewing and cooking and crafting since very young! ( This is a real picture I took of myself#0382 Naomi Lynn Simon in front of my house 🏡 at 4527 SE RHODESIA ST Milwaukee Oregon 97222 on May 2020 from my cell phone anyways me and my kids and grandkids all have Fairy garden's so do you believe after seeing this picture?

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

No Holidays Yet again due to all the Fuckers / Accusers who Fucked my Beautiful life up and my beautiful family just for Greed and Pure Jealousy , it's amazing who you Think has your back but they really don't, all my children I raised on barely anything due to all the Same accusers my whole life Stealing my money and my real Family's over the years! ( Happy Thanksgiving big baby Devon and my grandkids and the Family I still choose us Team us and I'll never forgive anyone who did this to us on 10/5-10/6/2019 and my whole lives! I'm not having any Holidays because these people continue to Steal my money and they think it's a Game well I like Games So let's Play Mother Fuckers! signed,**#0382 Sugar n Spice Bounty Hunter!( Naomi Lynn Simon! )

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